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Alexander lives in Moscow since 1980, and was born in Pavlodar(Kazakhstan) in 1974. He has the supreme economic and sociological education. Now Alexander works in the Moscow state institute of international relations.
The candidate of economic sciences. The theme of the dissertation - "Offshore centers in developing countries and their role in world economic". Has publications. Hobbies - history, travels, classical music (including opera). Alexander's roots on a fatherlike line - in small Byelorussian city David -gorodok (Brest area), where his relatives still live. Two cousins live in Minsk, and one of them - on the Matusevich's street. Also relatives of Alexander live in other cities of Russian Federation and Commonwetitleh of Independent States, as well as in Poland, Germany, Canada. Alexander has two children: daughter Luba and son Gosha. Victor J.Matusevich was born in Krasnodar. He has ended there high school, in 1971 has entered Moscow institute of the petrochemical and gas industry, has received a speciality oilman - geophysics. He lives in Moscow, and works in Western Syberia, in Kogalym as a method of watch. Name of Victor's wife is Vera, she have Matusevich's surname too. They have two children. November, 2 they celebrate the birthdays: Olga and Alexander were born in the same day with a difference in 6 years and 10 minutes. Olga learns at the Moscow state university at faculty of calculus mathematics and cybernetics. In the future she will be the programmer. Alexander studies in 10-th class, he is interested in computers and the Internet very much. Nina Matusevich from Moscow was born in Hudzhant (Tadzikistan). The expert in development of public relations. Nina likes the work and will be glad to help, if somebody from visitors of our site will be interested in similar support. Nina has visited Thailand, Germany, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Mtitlea, lived in Tadjikistan and Kazakhstan. She dreams to visit Japan and Kirghizia. Prefers east kitchen (but does not eat meat and birds), loves dogs and giraffes very much, she regrets, that the last of them is impossible to have in an apartment :-). Likes good cinema (films of Kusturitsa, Lelush, and also "Analyze it", "All about my mother", "The English patient", "Simona" with Al Pachino, " The Lawyer of the Devil ", "The Legend about the pianist " etc. - almost classical set of young modern lady:-) Nina has written, that she will be glad to meet new friends - namesakes.
Inna from Usman (Lipetsk region, Russian Federation) - from family of hereditary teachers. Her father - Vladimir Vladimirovich - the teacher of sports in Usman pedagogical college, Her mother, Matusevich Valentine Stepanovna, works as the teacher of geography in the Usman school - boarding. Inna was trained at the Tver state university, at the faculty of Rome-German philology, at present she's the teacher on the speciality "Stylistics and the intercultural communications". Inna's grandmother Babkova Praskov'ja Semenovna was born in 1918 in the Ryazan region (now it's Lipetsk region), Dankov area, village Podlesnoe-Hrushchevo, has received 10-class education, and later has successfully finished Dankov Pedagogical college. She was worked as the teacher of mathematics. June 26, 1943 she left on front as the volunteer. Has received a rank of the corporal and a post of the clerk mouths of submachine gunners (the name of a part: 457 sp 129 sd). She fighted at the Bryansk and and Central - Byelorussian fronts. There she has met Matusevich Vladimir Mihajlovich, and they fell in love with each other. When Praskov'ja Semenovna has become pregnant with Inna's father, she has left home, in Podlesnoe-Hruschevo. They corresponded with Vladimir Mihajlovich permanently. Unfortunately, from the correspondence there was one photo only. Praskov'ya Semenovna has died, when to Inna's father was three years. According to Yury Matusevich from Ekaterinburg, at the end of XIX - the beginning of XX century family of Matuseviches, living in Belarus (its possible, in Ukraine or Poland), has left on construction of the Transsiberian railway in Irkutsk. Judging by the common photo, which Yury saw 10 years ago, the general number of members of family was about 30 person. Yury was born in 1967 in Pervouralsk of Sverdlovsk area, he lives in Ekaterinburg now. In June, 2003 has ended the Ural state technical university on the speciality "Management and computer science in technical systems". On military service now. All Yury's relatives live in Irkutsk. According to Yury, in the telephone directory of Ekaterinburg is present about 10 records on surname Matusevich. Photos from a family album are given follows.The family tree, sent by Yury, is possible to see here. Katerina from Saint Petersburg has informed us, that her father was born in the Western Belarus, in city David-gorodok (by the way, it is the third person who has written to us about the ratio to this district centre of the Brest area - Alexander's ancestors from Moscow and Vladislav's , which lives now in Germany, also lived in the David-gorodok). According to Katerina, in Warsaw her grandfather traded ice-cream. Oleg from Moscow was born September 9, 1985 in Saint Petersburg. has finished high school in Almaty. The main hobby for Oleg at school was chemistry. On the International Menfeleev Olympiad he won the medal and in 2002 has entered on chemical faculty of the Moscow State University without examinations. According to Oleg, the second hobby for today is the guitar. He plays already enough for a long time, prefers the Spanish classics and flamenko. Konstantin from Uglich has written, that his grandfather, Matusevich Konstantin Pavlovich before World War II lived in the center of Moscow and worked in one of theatres as the power-engineering specialist. Once, when Konstantin Pavlovich was on leave, the theatrical substation has burned down. For this reason he was sent in the camp on Uglich hydroelectric power station. After the ending of term he married and has remained in Uglich. Has died in 1987. Konstantin Pavlovich had two native brothers. A was lost on war; other has lived till declining years and has died in Moscow. Konstantin's great-grandfather Pavel Stepanovich by birth from Molodechno (Belarus), was the priest in parish in Yasenevo in Moscow. He is buried in the center of the Russian capital. Konstantin was born in 1972, has finished radio engineering faculty of the State sea academy in Saint Petersburg. He is the expert in the field of wire and wireless communication, the intruder-fire alarm, works on Uglich hydroelectric power station as the engineer (administration of automatic telephone exchange Definity). Vyacheslav Vyacheslav was born in 1970 in Ukraine in the village Behtery of the Kherson area. He's married, have the nine-year daughter. In 1991 has finished the Leningrad supreme antiaircraft-rocket command school. With 1991 on 2001 he served in Germany, Nizhni Novgorod, the Jewish autonomous region, Khabarovsk territory. After got one's discharge he has remained to live in the Nizhniy Novgorod area in village. Novosmolinski. However, for a long time to stop at there it was not possible. Vyacheslav has received in 2000 the second higher education on a speciality " Management of the personnel " and beginnings to work in new business. First the manager, and then the director of the personnel. The work has forced to travel - year in Krasnoyarsk, already almost 10 months (December 2003 - a comment editor) - in Buryatia, in settlement Selenginsk, at pulp-and-paper mill. Vyacheslav thinks, that hereon his travels will be finished hardly. Roman was born in 1981 in Kungur of the Perm region. Long time (15 years in all) he lived in Estonia. Now he studies "The Public relations" at university in Perm. Roman's father Oleg Matusevich was the submariner, served near Tallinn. Now he lives in Kungur, he's engaged in business. The grandfather - Gleb Matusevich - in the same place lives. According to Roman, some Matuseviches live in Perm today. It's Nina Petrovna, the wife of the late brother of his grandfather and her son Alexander. Roman very much wants to find out about own great-grandfather Lubomir Matusevich. Available data, that he lived in Latvia in 20-its years, has moved in Russia later. He was the talented railway engineer and respected man. He was recognized as the public enemy of people.. Was lost at the end of 30th years on Kolyma. It's known also, that Roman's relatives live in Canada, they have left there from Riga. Claudia Matushevich has ended the first-year of Tomsk state university in the summer 2004, she studies on faculty by computer science on a speciality "The software and administration of information systems". Claudia has dream to go to work to the far Great Britain sometime. According to her, she feels from the childhood to this country "strange curiosity together with admiration". Claudia very much loves an ancient history, in particular about Celts, Vikings, and other northern peoples. She does not study it constantly, is simple with pleasure reads fiction, looks films of this themes, listens to music etc. Basic hobby of Claudia is astronomy, she wanted to receive specititley of astrophysicist, but in Tomsk, where at the present moment she studies, appropriate faculty, was not present. According to Claudia, computer occupies the most part of her life now. Musical preferences is basically heavy music, fate, folk-fate, a gothic style, fantasy. "But I listen to music of any direction if it's pleasant to me". Claudia is a lot and constantly reads, frequently some books simultaneously. She prefers a fantasy, some detectives and historical novels. Favorite authors is Strugatskie, Luk'yanenko, Frai, Hainlain, Norton, Budzhold, Bulychev, Sapkovskii, Saimak etc. - the impressive list! Night clubs and discos not so involve of Claudia - there boringly, it is much better to go somewhere on a nature or simply to wander on streets. Claudia likes to admire a sunset and the starry sky, very much loves a fog and a rain. The last - in all possible variations: from light rain up to thunder-storms and tropical downpours. As to the information on ancestors - unfortunately, Claudia has no much now. It's known only about the Polish roots of family and that the ancestor - Matushevich has got to Siberia as a result of execution of a verdict on an action of Petrashevtsy (1849). The photos of Viktor Matusevichus from Kaliningrad. Laura lives, study and works in Moscow. All details will later:-) Ekaterina from Cheliabinsk has finished power faculty of South-Ural State with diploma with honors in 2006. She works as engineer in Town electrical networks now. Ekaterina said that there are a lot of Matuseviches in Cheliabinsk, one her family consists of 20. Ekaterina's great-grandfather, who was a shoemaker and lived in village Dubovrutsche, was expelled from village, after what his wife died (it happened before the World War II), and his sun - Ivan - was brought up by his aunt, who lived in Minsk. In Minsk Ivan studied in culinary school. How he got to Cheliabinsk - is unknown. According to Ekaterina's father words, they should have relatives in Minsk. But, when Alexander Ivanovish was in the capital of Belarus, unfortunately. He couldn't find anyone. Translated by A.Vozmitel Tatiana from Moscow was sent photos prepared in the summer-2006 Vladimir Vladimirovich Matusevich was born in 1988 in Sverdlovsk. «My grandfather Alexander Matusevich lives in Almaty now, he changed a residence often, but moved within Kazakhstan. My father, Vladimir Matusevich, has moved to Sverdlovsk after wedding. In the age of three years my mother has sent me in chorus, " for the general preschool development ". I became the pianist and now I study on the second-year of a conservatory. I take a great interest in sports (football, a bicycle, skates, rollers, run) is a little». Olga Andreevna Ivanova (Matusevich) wrote that her family lived in Thule from 1964 onwards. "My father – Matusevich Andrey Ivanovich-born in 1933 in the village Pustovarovka of Skvirskoj district of Kyiv region in the family of Ivan Vladimirovich and Olga Ivanovna Matusevich (Rozumenko). Ivan Vladimirovich resigned from the army in 1939, and served until his death February 7, 1945 in Germany. Olga Ivanovna died in Kyiv in 1978. Currently in Kiev live father's brothers: Mikhail, his son Paul and daughter Olga and Joseph, his daughter Maya, second daughter-Inna lives in Houston (United States)". More information in Russian version |