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"Matusevich will not trick Matusevich", - the authoritative representative of our Surname has told once. It seems that there is a sense. People connected by one surname (which belong to easily identified generality), which, maybe, are not relatives, from the point of view of psychology of interpersonal communications have the greater mutual responsibility, than simple partners in business.
The information promoting a finding of new business associates, expanding of business, increase of clients bases etc. is published in the given section. Offers, advertising, announcements, virtual personal card etc. are placed here absolutely free-of-charge. We shall be glad to publish your information too. If it's interesting to you, send e-mail to matusewicz@matusewicz.org.

Jaroslaw Matusiewicz, United Kingdom
· The interest in the establishment of business contacts with distributors of pharmaceutical product in Belarus and other countries of ex-USSR.
Е-mail: jaromat@hotmail.com

Alexander Matusevich, Respublika Bielarus
· I can help in solving the problems related to foreign trade, currency operations , general bank questions. Simply I shall get acquainted with You and have a drink of beer.
Phone: +375-29-653-74-54
Е-mail: amatusevich@belpsb.by

Radoslaw Matusiewicz, Rzeczpospolita Polska
· Repair of a equipment of power stations, development and manufacture of details of machines, various metal construction
Е-mail: Radoslaw.Matusiewicz@gdfsuez.pl

Damian Matusiewicz, Rzeczpospolita Polska
· The broadest spectrum of "Pilkington's" production - is one of the world's largest manufacturers of glass and glazing products for building, automotive and related technical markets.
Е-mail: matusiewicz@poczta.onet.pl
Internet: www.pilkington.com

Anastasia Matusevich, Respublika Bielarus
· Anastasia has 28 years of experience in embroidery. Her customers live in USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands and other countries.
Phone: +375 29 882 45 40
Internet: Ok.ru